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- Properly attribute as the original source of the content.
- Do not alter the content, except for formatting and minor changes for clarity.
- Use the content only for the specific purpose for which permission was granted.
- Do not use the content in a way that suggests or implies endorsement by WellMade Network Limited of any third-party product, service, or opinion.
- Note that permission to reuse or reprint content does not transfer ownership of the copyright, and WellMade Network reserves the right to revoke permission at any time.
WellMade Network‘s (The Company) has established the following guidelines to govern the use of its logos, trademarks, service marks, and trade names (collectively referred to as “logos”):
- The Company logos are the property of the Company and may only be used in accordance with this policy.
- Obtain written permission from the Company to use its logos by contacting
- The Company logos may only be used for purposes directly related to the Company.
- The Company logos must be used in their original form and not be altered, except for resizing.
- The Company reserves the right to revoke permission to use its logos at any time and for any reason.
- Unauthorized use of the Company logos is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.