Tuesday witnessed Prime Minister Narendra Modi launching the Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show 2024, heralding the commencement of the event’s tenth edition. This year’s summit, sprawled over 2 lakh square meters at the Helipad Ground Exhibition Centre, boasts an array of exhibition halls showcasing global innovations.
A total of 20 countries are showcasing their industries, marking a significant leap in international participation. Prime Minister Modi, along with Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and other esteemed dignitaries, embarked on a detailed exploration of the exhibition shortly after his 3 pm arrival. This tour forms part of his three-day Gujarat visit.
Local college students, in a significant number, assembled to greet the Prime Minister and accompanying dignitaries, reflecting the event’s appeal across educational sectors.
Prior to this, Modi engaged in pivotal discussions at the Mahatma Gandhi Mandir, a venue also hosting the main summit. His agenda included dialogues with state leaders from Mozambique, and Timor-Leste, and interactions with global business icons like Sanjay Mehrotra (Micron) and Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem (DP World).
The trade show, set for business transactions initially, will later welcome the general populace. Countries such as Australia, Tanzania, Morocco, and others present a unique window into their industrial prowess.
This edition stands out for its emphasis on research, featuring 1,000 exhibitors from this sector. Organized into 13 thematic halls, the exhibition covers diverse industry aspects, from ‘Make in Gujarat’ to ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’.
Key focuses like women empowerment, MSME development, emerging technology, and sustainable energy underscore the event’s commitment to global challenges.
As the Vibrant Gujarat Global Trade Show 2024 unfolds, it emerges as a hub of innovative ideas and international collaboration, propelling the global community towards a more interconnected and prosperous tomorrow.
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