Twenty-seven government officials from developing and least-developed WTO member countries are participating in the WTO Advanced Trade Policy Course in Geneva, held from October 14 to December 6. This eight-week programme, organized by the WTO’s Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation, is designed to build expertise in trade policy, focusing on WTO agreements and procedures.
The WTO’s Advanced Trade Policy Course, now in its third session this year, emphasizes practical learning, with participants engaged in discussions, simulations, and case studies to deepen their understanding of WTO agreements. This approach strengthens their analytical and negotiation skills, with hands-on experience in using WTO tools and databases.
Insights from WTO Leadership:
In a video address, WTO Deputy Director-General Zhang Xiangchen underscored the course’s value, stating, “The course’s various interactive sessions will give you an opportunity to discuss how the multilateral trading system can be strengthened, reformed, and modernized. This is in line with the strong political message that members delivered at the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference held in February in Abu Dhabi.”

Saudi Arabia’s WTO Ambassador Saqer Abdullah Almoqbel, the course patron, highlighted the value of case-based learning. He noted, “The approach will help participants strengthen their trade policy analytical skills and better harness the global trading system to improve their economies’ participation in trade.”
Support from the WTO Institute:
Bridget Chilala, Director of the WTO’s Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation, echoed Ambassador Almoqbel’s remarks, emphasizing that WTO-led training empowers developing and least-developed members and observers, equipping them to engage effectively in global trade.
Broader Engagement:
Beyond the course curriculum, participants will attend WTO meetings and engage with other Geneva-based international organizations, gaining insights into trade policy from multiple global perspectives.
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